Opportunities to engage

For the past two decades, we have curated a global community of academics and practitioners dedicated to social entrepreneurship, innovation, and impact. In Oxford and around the world, Skoll Centre alumni, fellows, and organisational partners help to shape our work as research collaborators, instructors, and thought leaders. 

We welcome new collaborations with businesses, foundations, social enterprises, NGOs, and other organisations. 

  • New research initiatives and postdoctoral fellows dedicated to leading and organising, financing, measuring, or scaling impact;

  • Translational writing to make cutting-edge research insights available and accessible to practitioners;

  • Research-practice convenings around specific systemic challenges or opportunities;

  • 'Learning labs' for social innovators across sectors to develop skills for orchestrating systemic change and build a global community of practice;

  • Scholarships and co-curricular programmes to cultivate the next generation of social innovators; and

  • Systems thinking and systems leadership programmes for students and practitioners around the world.

Reach out

We are actively exploring partnership opportunities with aligned organisations. Please reach out to us for further details on how to collaborate and get involved.