What is Map the System?

Map the System is a learning programme and global competition that nurtures a global community of educators, students, and practitioners committed to applying the principles of systems thinking to complex social and environmental challenges.

The Skoll Centre partners with universities worldwide each year, supporting educators to deliver the Map the System programme at their institutions before inviting top student teams from all over the world to convene in Oxford.

How it works

Partner with the Skoll Centre
  • Institutions register to partner with the Skoll Centre to deliver the Map the System programme to their students.
Leverage the Map the System learning programme
  • Partner institutions receive access to an online learning programme consisting of six self-paced modules that teach students how to use systems thinking to address a social or environmental challenge.
  • This learning programme can be embedded by educators into a for-credit curriculum or offered as an extra-curricular programme.
Hold a Map the System local competition
  • With dedicated support from the Skoll Centre team, educators (faculty or staff) from partner institutions lead the organisation of a local competition on their campus.
  • Students register to take part individually or as part of a team of up to five members and spend the next several months applying the principles of systems thinking to dive deep into a social or environmental topic they are passionate about.
  • As part of the competition, student teams will produce a set of submission materials that include visual, oral, and written components.
  • Each partner institution will select a top team from their competition to participate at the Map the System global competition in Oxford.
Attend the Map the System global competition
  • Each partner institution can send one student team and one educator to the global competition held annually in Oxford at the Saïd Business School.
  • The global competition is a 3-day convening in Oxford where top student teams from all over the world will come together to share and celebrate their research, learn from world-class systems thinking practitioners, participate in workshops, and engage in networking opportunities.

How to participate

The Skoll Centre is thrilled to now be accepting Map the System registrations for the 2024–25 academic year.

A fee of £4,000 per institution covers unlimited access to the learning programme and enables one team plus one educator to attend the global competition. As in the past, an access fund will be available for institutions in need of support.

To join for 2024–25, please complete the registration form or email us at mapthesystem@sbs.ox.ac.uk.