Founding partners

We are immensely grateful to the partners who make our work possible, helping us to powerfully bridge theory and practice, and equip entrepreneurial leaders to catalyse impact within and beyond business.

The Skoll Foundation

For two decades, the Skoll Foundation has helped to build the Skoll Centre into a leading academic centre for social innovation, entrepreneurship, and impact.

The partnership has uniquely positioned the centre to bridge research and practice, established Oxford as a global convening hub for the foundation’s extraordinary network of social innovators, and fuelled world-leading impact education programmes and pioneering thought leadership. 

The Skoll Foundation catalyses transformational social change by investing in, connecting, and championing social entrepreneurs and other social innovators who together advance bold and equitable solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.

Saïd Business School

Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford blends the best of new and old. Oxford Saïd is a young, vibrant, and entrepreneurial business school embedded in the world’s most prestigious university. Delivering cutting-edge education and ground-breaking research, Oxford Saïd transforms individuals, organisations, business practices, and society.

The Skoll Centre has become an intellectual hub for social entrepreneurship, innovation, and impact at the University of Oxford, and it has helped establish Oxford Saïd as a world leading global business school for social impact. Flagship programmes include the Skoll Scholarship, Insights for Action, and Map the System.