Highlights from this year's convening for social innovators
This April, the Saïd Business School, Oxford University, and the Skoll Centre were privileged to host the Skoll World Forum, the Skoll Foundation’s flagship convening for social innovators.
Featuring an outstanding line-up of speakers, including Amal and George Clooney; former Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Rt Honourable Dame Jacinda Ardern; Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland; and World Resources Institute's Wanjira Mathai, the Forum connected leaders and innovators worldwide, encouraging social and environmental collaboration.
Marmalade: with 90 sessions held across 11 venues, this year’s Marmalade Festival was a huge success! Hosted by the Old Fire Station, and fully open to the public, the Marmalade Festival is an ecosystem of independent events and workshops designed to complement the Skoll World Forum. We were delighted that Skoll Scholar Alumni, Pip Wheaton, hosted ‘Climate Conversations Along the Thames’ for Marmalade this year.
The Old Fire Station is a centre for creativity in Oxford housing two organisations: the homelessness charity Crisis and Arts at the Old Fire Station (AOFS).
Skoll Centre highlights
Global Innovation Index workshop: the Skoll Centre and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) held a workshop to discuss the 2024 Global Innovation Index (GII) which will feature a special report on social entrepreneurship, co-authored by Skoll Centre Academic Director Marya Besharov. Soumitra Dutta, Dean of Saïd Business School, was joined by experts to share preliminary findings from the report, gather input from participants, and collaborate on policy recommendations. The full report will be available on our website in September 2024.
Launching The Bloom: hosted by the Skoll Centre, and facilitated by Professor Pinar Ozcan, Jasmine Anouna shared her story as the founder of The Bloom. Soon to be offered in top universities around the world, The Bloom is set to become the go-to space for storytelling, learning and change-making for those seeking impact careers.
The next Skoll World Forum will take place April 1–4, 2025. Explore the Foundation’s content archive to watch sessions from previous forums and browse their FAQs for further information.